Letterboard project

A dedication to letterboards, signs and signage with a daily funny text or quote

Fascinated by (digital) signage

Texts for ads can attract attention by using humor

60 Seconds

Funny jokes and ads make you laugh or think about something else. It just takes 60 seconds to forget about your daily worries and work. It makes life easier.

Want clients?

Attract attention by using the LetterBoard Project.

Humor in your ads bring smiles on your client’s faces.

Digital Signage for Businesses

Promote your products on your own TV channel or build your company communication channel for your personnel.

Rush hour

Rush hour

Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?



I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead.

Walk a mile

Walk a mile

Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell.



A vegetarian is a person who won't eat anything that can have children.



If you can't tell a spoon from a ladle, then you're fat!

Roses are red

Roses are red

Roses are red. Violets are blue. I'm schizophrenic and so am I.

Smoking kills

Smoking kills

Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.

Men are liars

Men are liars

Men are liars. We'll lie about lying if we have to. I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive.



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